Stonehenge solstice sunrise will be at about 8.15 a.m on Wednesday 21st December 2016 – (though it may be cloudy)
English Heriticage will open a carpark around 5.30 a.m. from where you can walk or catch a shuttle bus to the Stones. And there are special buses from Amesbury and Salisbury.
But access to the drove from the dangerous A303 entrance is closed and from the Larkhill north end will be closed from around sunset Tuesday, there will be access through the English Heriticage Car Park to the drove until about midnight, then there’s nowhere to park until about 6 a.m.
At least that’s what I understood from a planning meeting I went to at Amesbury recently, seems a bit mad to me!
Check out one of the many facebook groups for more uptodate information.
See you there – [dicegeorge]