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Countryside & Rights of Way Acts

Law – Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000 + Part 11 relating to byways

 Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000  CROW          

 This is the section relating to changes in regulationms of droves, byways and rights of way – also see in our Files

 If you look at section 5 Miscellaneous, 1.     66. Making of traffic regulation orders for purposes of conserving natural beauty, etc.  you will see its similar to the reason for the Traffic Regulatory Order attempt in Oct 2011 which resulted in the Public Inquiry Decision that a BOAT and vehicular usage superseded perceived improved views!

Part II Public rights of way and road traffic

1.      Public rights of way and definitive maps and statements

1.      47. Redesignation of roads used as public paths.

2.      48. Restricted byway rights.

3.      49. Provisions supplementary to ss. 47 and 48.

4.      50. Private rights over restricted byways.

5.      51. Amendments relating to definitive maps and statements and restricted byways.

6.      52. Restricted byways: power to amend existing legislation.

7.      53. Extinguishment of unrecorded rights of way.

8.      54. Excepted highways and rights of way.

9.      55. Bridleway rights over ways shown as bridleways.

10.    56. Cut-off date for extinguishment etc.

2.      Creation, stopping up and diversion of highways

1.      57. Creation, stopping up and diversion of highways.

2.      58. Application for path creation order for purposes of Part I.

3.      59. Effect of Part I on powers to stop up or divert highways.

3.      Rights of way improvement plans

1.      60. Rights of way improvement plans.

2.      61. Rights of way improvement plans: supplemental.

3.      62. Application of ss. 60 and 61 to inner London.

4.      Removal of obstructions from highways

1.      63. Enforcement of duty to prevent obstructions.

2.      64. Power to order offender to remove obstruction.

3.      65. Overhanging vegetation obstructing horse-riders.

5.      Miscellaneous

1.      66. Making of traffic regulation orders for purposes of conserving natural beauty, etc.

2.      67. Prohibition on driving mechanically propelled vehicles elsewhere than on roads.

3.      68. Vehicular access across common land etc.

4.      69. Erection or improvement of stiles, etc.

5.      70. Minor amendments.

6.      71. Reports on functions relating to rights of way.

7.      72. Interpretation of Part II