Code of Conduct for Round Table


  • Prepare for the meeting by reading the agenda, papers and any emails before the meeting.
  • In order for all points on the agenda to be heard – try to be concise.
  • Contribute positively to the discussions.
  • Speak truthfully and do not deliberately misrepresent and misquote an individual (whether they are a RTG attendee or outside the meeting).
  • Listen to other people’s views respectfully and don’t talk over others when they are speaking.
  • Discourage side conversations to enable everyone to concentrate on the meeting.
  • Agree to differ on issues where a ‘consensus’ is not reached.
  • Commit to sharing the information exchanged with your external groups and organisations
  • Actions from meetings to be distributed within 2 weeks of the meeting taking place
  • Aggressive behaviour, swearing or insults won’t be tolerated by the group.
  • Attendees unable to abide by the Code of Conduct may be issued with a warning and can be asked to leave; in extreme circumstances the meeting will be ended.

Traffic Order -Experimental: closure to vehicles of BOATs on WHS!

Posted by me, Lois,  in the Facebook Stonehenge Law & Planning Library today, 5 July 2018

Traffic Order -Experimental: closure to vehicles of BOATs on WHS!

Well its happening at last, despite warnings and being told we were making it up, here you are now – this comes of using the BOATs as a campsite. We had express warnings, we passed them on they get ignored and those that try to explain get abused. Those of us that fought this from 2009-11 will be interested to see how this plays out, what another waste of so many people’s efforts then!
Statement of Reasons For Making the Above-Mentioned Order ………………… [there are others, but this stands out!]
“There is now considered to be a potential danger to non-motorised
highway users (pedestrians, equestrians and cyclists) who are now having to negotiate around increasing numbers of both moving and disordered parked vehicles (cars, motor homes, and large vans) when using the byways where the public would normally expect levels of motorised traffic to be lower than that of other users.”

RT covering email from EH re July 4 2018 meeting

ROUND table email from EH – Notes and Agenda will be in Files
4 july 2018 “Dear All,
Please find attached to this email a summary of notes and actions from the Round Table Group meeting held on 4 July 2018 in Salisbury. Many thanks to all who contributed in advance or by attending in person.
Next Meeting
The next Round Table Group meeting is on Wednesday 17th October from 1pm to 3pm at Fisherton Hall, St Paul’s Church, Fisherton Street, Salisbury, SP2 7QW. The ground floor meeting space is within a friendly and accessible venue positioned very close to Salisbury Train Station with excellent parking facilities and dedicated disabled spaces directly outside. Full details are available on the website
Agenda for Next Meeting
The primary focus of the next meeting will be to discuss Winter Solstice 2018. A draft agenda is attached and a final agenda will be shared with you ahead of the meeting. Please use the online form below to contribute your ideas for the agenda and confirm your attendance.
The online form is available via this link (URL and has been created to improve digital communications. We hope that these processes will improve the efficiency and fairness of the meeting discussions and help us to work collaboratively to find inclusive solutions. Please follow the link to:
· Confirm your attendance at the meeting
· Contribute to the agenda by submitting your key related concerns and queries
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at
Warm wishes,
Caroline Johnson | Solstice Coordinator | Stonehenge
English Heritage, Stonehenge Visitor Centre
Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7DE

DRAFT RTG Agenda October 2018

DRAFT RTG Agenda October 2018 (PDF)

Round Table Group meeting
Draft agenda for meeting on 17 October 2018
At Fisherton Hall, St Paul’s Church, Salisbury
Chair – Roy Gillet
1: Welcome, apologies, Code of Conduct and introductions
2: Report from planning team for Winter Solstice 2018
3: Feedback from RTG
4: Discussion on points raised
5: Ideas presented from interested parties for sharing spiritual and religious meaning of Stones
with Summer Solstice attendees
5: Date for next meeting and host decided
6: AOB

Summer Solstice Sunrise Thursday 21st June – Stonehenge?

Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2017
Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2017

Hopefully there will be a mini festival nearby from Tuesday,
details on a poster is here.

Dave Sanger’s horsedrawn stage should be there with many acts (but no electric amplification)

English Heriticage’s carpark opens at 7pm Wednesday 20th June 2018 with a £15 charge per car and a mile walk to the Stones, with disabled buses.

However access is free if you walk, cycle or get a bus.

Some of us will try to park at Woodhenge
(north of the Amesbury roundabout)
and walk the five miles to the Stones.

There will be police with guns, and searches.

English Heritcage’s page is here

Have fun !

Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2017
Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2017


Round Table workshop 17 April 2018

SummaryActions Round Table Group workshop April 2018

This was an independently facilitated workshop organised by EH to improve communications including deciding on what issues were needed to be debated, getting a Code of Conduct so people were safe to speak without shouting, ensuring RT members could add to the Agenda and that get out in time and not last minute.

Also a main issue for debate was more access, at least the eight main ceremonial days not just equinoxes and solstices.

Equal access for venues means that the meetings will return to Salisbury which has better transport links than Amesbury

Encouraging people to engage who cannot get to meetings via a group  to discuss online and perhaps an audio link live with podcast links has been suggested.



This may help explain for a start –   also see in our Files 

In the United Kingdom, a byway open to all traffic (BOAT) is a highway over which the public have a right of way for vehicular and all other kinds of traffic but which is used by the public mainly for the purpose for which footpaths and bridleways are used.

In rural areas such roads can often be unmetalled – when they are known as green lanes. Such roads are lawful highways open to all traffic, although they often have the appearance of being no more than glorified tracks.


Full info on what BOATS are and how they are managed via the LARA organisation that SGWI liaised with during the public inquiry 2011, on section 2 is the notation of the North Yorks National Parks precedent, which we both used and which the inquiry at Stonehenge reinforced – fundamentally if something is legally open dont expect them all to arrive on foot or bike or horse!!!

United Kingdom Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, section 15(9)(c), as amended by Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, Schedule 1). Byways account for less than 2% of England’s unsurfaced Rights of Way network, the remainder being footpaths and bridleways.

CROW – 2 May 2006 the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 reclassified all remaining Roads Used as Public Paths as restricted byways. The public’s rights along a restricted byway are to travel:[1]

  • on foot
  • on horseback or leading a horse
  • by vehicle other than mechanically propelled      vehicles (thus permitting e.g. bicycles, horse-drawn carriages, to travel      along restricted byways)

The Restricted Byways (Application and Consequential Amendment of Provisions) Regulations 2006

ROW – Rights of Way  England and Wales, public rights of way are paths on which the public have a legally protected right to pass and re-pass.

Scotland, a right of way is a route over which the public has been able to pass unhindered for at least 20 years.[1] The route must link two “public places”, such as villages, churches or roads. Unlike in England and Wales there is no obligation on Scottish local authorities to signpost or mark a right of way

HOW TO CLOSE A BOAT – its not easy, and any closure may be overturned by change of council, political or legal challenge

A BOAT may in time become a restricted byway as per the CROW ACT – what has to happen to lose Open to ALL traffic?

An explanation is here via the forum of Trail Riders