Summer Solstice 2017 Stonehenge: Sunset Tuesday 20 June, Sunrise Wednesday 21 June
Stonehenge Summer solstice car park opens on
20th june 19.00pm
Carpark Charge is £15 for cars and live in vehicles upto 19 seats
Motorbikes £5
2 mile walk to stones from car park
drive off site by 12pm 21st june.
NO Booze allowed into stones
Free food will be given out by the Hare Krsnas
or you can buy dead animals in a bread roll for £10
at the Rip off burger stalls
No tents or sleeping bags allowed into stones only a blanket
selfie sticks may be taken away by Security as its a lethal weapon as Security said to me last year
no umbrellas allowed or flag poles as G Dice George found out last year
dont climb Stones or draw on the Stones and behave correctly, by all means sing dance get your tits out and have fun, love peace and hugs David Firestar
Lots of Stonehengey places on facebook – like
Stonehenge Free Festival Campaign
See English Heriticage’s site at:

On site Volunteers still wanted – Henge free festi-site t.b.a/confirmed … June 20 – 22nd .. CULTURE SHOCK – NIK TURNER – NUKLI – HARRY MUNK BAND – LOST TRIBE OF TEA CUP TURTLES, etc. Info & helpline 079854 10448